Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Boy In The Tree And Other Tales

As some of you know, besides making music i am also a writer and have been writing and directing independant films since i was a teenager. I've finally gotten a chance to play with the big boys and my first offering will be entitled The Boy In The Tree. The screenplay for this project i wrote as a wee tot. This will be my 3rd attempt at getting it to the big screen. Third time's a charm as they say, right? I won't be revealing much about the plotline except to say that The Boy In The Tree is a fictional tale about a suburban town that was once all wilderness but recently was knocked down and paved over and turned into stucco houses, condos, and mini-malls. The story is seen through the eyes of the teenagers of the town. A colorful group of characters to say the least. Every town has their folklore and gossip. This town is no different. In this town supposedly, in a park called Wither Woods, the only part of the town not bulldozed gone, it is said that there is a tree and it is said that in this tree there lives a boy. It is up to the viewer to decide what is real and what is not and on a broader scale it gives me the chance to ask bigger questions about our society in general for though this is a fictional tale it could very easily be any town on any street corner.

Following this release i hope to follow up with other screenplays i have ready to go for theatrical releases that are all equally diverse in nature.

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